Saturday, May 5, 2007

Recording Business Mileage

June --

I work as a network consultant; driving from job to job throughout the day. What types of records do I need to keep to deduct the mileage? ie... is there a specific form or format or logbook style that I need to use? Currently I just keep a running total of the miles I drive per day in an excell spreadsheet; however, I don't necessarily keep track of which miles were associated with driving to which client.

-- Mike

Mike, there is no specific format or logbook that must be used. Use whatever method works for you.

If, for privacy reasons, you choose not to note a client's name, that's OK. You could use "Client A" or "Client B." You do need to note whom you met with and why. If you go from one client or business function to another then a daily mileage total is fine. However, you still must list the business events -- such as client meeting, drive to airport, business errand, etc. --for the day including what they were, why they were, and where they were.

For more info take a look at these two columns on my website How to Keep a Record of Business Miles and How to Calculate Auto Expense .


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