Friday, August 6, 2010

Sales tax regulations vary by state.

Hello June -

Robert from Sir Roberts Furniture Restoration,Repair and Design, Stow Ohio.

I am on your e-mail monthly list and appreciate all the information you provide.

My question, I restore antique pcs. build and repair furniture. What is the rule on charging sales tax and or reporting sales tax. Why for the question. I network with several upholsters in when they provide services they do not charge me sales tax on the work they complete. What is the rule for charging sales tax when completing work to a customer. Thanks for your time.

Dear Robert,

Happy to know my information is helpful to you. Thanks.

Every state has unique sales tax regulations. Some states have no sales tax. Others have a gross receipts tax. In New Mexico the rate changes depending on where you live.

Some charge for out-of-state purchases. Some do not.

Get the idea. No state is the same. You need to contact your state, county, city. And make sure you do. Since all the governments are hurting for money many are enforcing payment regulations with a vengeance. Be careful.

BTW -- the same applies to licensing and zoning laws.

-- June

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