Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Process Not a Chore

Dear June,

I feel more confident than ever about how I file my taxes after reading your book, Self-employed Tax Solutions.

Do you ever "review" past filings (especially during the off season!) to evaluate any areas of concern or improvement?

-- Lisa

Dear Lisa,

You've sent me several emails and questions and suggestions. That's you in the Bravo Indies! column. Thank you. I appreciate your input.

You're right; knowledge breeds confidence. That's my goal in my work with indies. I am putting together a series of small publications and am searching for a "confidence" title. Titles are not my area of expertise. Ugh.

On your question, a tax return is not a thing-to-do or a chore. It is a collaboration between you and your tax pro, the result of a process. That process starts with the indie getting as much info as possible, using that knowledge throughout the year, treating the work that she does as a business by being in what I call that indie-business-mindset, employing a recordkeeping method that fits her style and is also accurate, and then taking that information to an indie-savvy tax professional who will use that information to prepare the tax return.

Unless there were a glaring mistake, a later review of the tax return would not tell me -- nor any other accountant -- what went into that end result. That could happen only if there were a review of the process.


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