Sunday, April 6, 2008

You must have a profit in 3 out of 5 years: Hogwash!!

June --

How many years are you allowed list a negative and still deduct expenses like CS3, or art materials and marketing as you get started...It's tough to get "on the ticket" and get to be someone art directors call on for work and then give you the job.


Hello Elizabeth,

There's an urban myth been circulating for a long time that an indie must make a profit in three out of five years in order to be considered a business. Hogwash! Sloppy thinking. A logical fallacy.

The IRS reg says that you are a business if you make a profit in three out of five years. It does not say that you are not a business if you don't make a profit in three out of five years.

Here's some excerpts from my blog posts to help explain:

The goal of a business is to make money. As long as making a profit is your goal you don't have to actually make money. You may also enjoy yourself, help others, or master skills or develop a nascent talent. You may deduct all legitimate business expenses regardless the amount of income. From
Exotic Dancer and more ...

There is no rule about a time limit on losing money. Never was a rule, an old husbands' tale, maybe. For a better understanding, think of it in reverse: If your business makes a profit in three out of five years you're home free. You are a business. Notice that says that if you make a profit not that you must make a profit. As long as your goal is to make money, you're OK.

The IRS says that in order for you to be engaged in a business rather than a hobby, the goal must be to make a profit. The IRS doesn't insist that you actually make a profit, but there must be a reasonable expectation of one.How do you prove you're in it to make money if you're not making any money? That's too long to go into here but the full explanation is in my book, Self-employed Tax Solutions -- with Cheech and Chong as the solo entrepreneur example.

And read this in its entirety HOBBY OR BUSINESS: Are you a professional artist?

-- June


Craig Carpenter said...

I'd always heard this conventional wisdom, but that I think about it, it doesn't make sense. There's no way even the most legit business can guarantee a profit for three out of five years.

Does the IRS look more closely at businesses that operate at a loss for three out of five years?

June Walker said...

Craig --

When not random, many factors go into a return being chosen for audit.

For instance, a photographer with several years of losses and a spouse making a moderate income would be a less likely candidate for an audit than would a highly paid employee who is also a self-employed photographer with several years of losses.

I urge indie to NOT worry about an audit. Take every legitimate deduction and follow my guidelines on recordkeeping. Be ready for an audit should it happen.
