Friday, March 28, 2008

Indies: Do it right.

June –

I am a nuclear engineer from Knoxville, Tennessee. I just started December 3, 2007. I would like to start off without calling attention to the IRS.

I assume I need to pay quarterly estimated taxes but am not sure how to estimate them.

When was the last update of your book, Self-employed Tax Solutions?

If I use Schedule C must I also fill out the SE Form?

Your help would be appreciated.


Hi Max,

I am not sure what you mean by “without calling attention to the IRS.” And if you mean you don’t want to call attention to yourself in the eyes of the IRS, I am still unsure.

Every new indie -- such as you – needs to get as much information about self-employment income, expenses and taxes as possible. Your goal should be to pay the least tax legitimately possible and to avoid missed deadlines and payments so that you don’t get stuck paying penalties and interest.

As in nuclear energy, the aim is economy, simplicity and doing it right. Rather than thinking of your task as an indie in terms of keeping the government off your back or out of your business affairs, think in terms of avoiding mistakes and delays that would cause problems and overpayment of taxes – in other words, learn how to do it right.

Here is my post on how to calculate and pay Estimated Taxes .

Yes, a Schedule C: Profit or Loss from Business, and a Form SE: Self-employment Tax, are part of your tax return.

My book, Self-employed Tax Solutions, just went into its 6th printing. My purpose in writing it is to give indies an understanding of how the IRS looks at self-employment and also to give them a basic foundation in income, taxes, expenses, and recordkeeping. The book does that and will always do that.

Other than an adjustment to the treatment of start-up costs the tax laws have not changed since the book was published in 2005. As you may know from reading my material or attending one of my seminars I advise indies to have a professional prepare their returns. So, when I say that the tax laws haven’t changed I mean, for example, that the method of recording and calculating business miles remains the same. Yes, the per mile amount allowed by the IRS changes every year. That is something your tax pro knows or you can look up on the IRS site. But, what your tax pro probably has not told you, nor has it changed, is that you should write down your odometer reading in your calendar on New Year’s Eve before you go out to party.

Get the idea? Hope that helps.


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