Monday, January 25, 2010

Reimbursements/Reimbursements/Reimbursements/Reimbursements ....

OK Indies, you must be a little resourceful. And I don't mean to pick on the indie who sent the following email it's just that V from Katy, TX happened to hit at the right moment.

I get the same question about reimbursed expenses over and over and over. I usually skip the emails and go on to the next one hoping that the creative, intelligent, resourceful indie who asked the question will either come back to the blog and go down the list of Topics/Categories/Labels on the left and find expenses -- reimbursed . Voila! there's the answer. Or, even try one of two search tools on the blog: One at the top left -- note the magnifying glass; the other middle left, cleverly worded, "Search This Blog." Just try variations of what you are looking for -- reimburse, reimbursement, reimbursed expenses. You get the picture. Right.

ndies you must think on your own. Remember my urging you to have an indie-business mindset. Unlike employees, you have no big daddy taking care of you. And as much as I'd like to answer every one of your questions it's just not possible. You need to do a little of the legwork. V made some of the right moves by going to the IRS publication.

So here's V's question:

Hi June,

I enjoy reading your tax solutions, mail and newsletter for Indies. I had a couple of questions. I am an Indie and this is my first year as a self employed. I get reimbursed for my travel and meals expenses from my clients. I provide accurate accounting to my client for all the expenses. I have read Publication 463, page 32 regarding this. It clearly states that if you do not account to your client for the expenses you have to include it in income.

Now my question is: First, if you account to your client for the reimbursements, do you still have to include it in the income? Will it be on Sch C? If I have to include it in income, can I claim the expenses on Sch C as 100% deductible?

Second, for the month of December, I relocated to the city where my client is located and the client is reimbursing my rent. Is this reimbursement taxable?

Katy, TX

V --

Do take a look here for the answer to your 1st question -- expenses -- reimbursed .

The reimbursement for rent is income. It is an expense only if it qualifies as a home office deduction and then only part of it will be deductible. Check out my posts on home office here home office or studio .

Thanks for being my "example."


1 comment:

CLB said...

It sounds like the rent might be deductible as a travel expense (i.e. lodging) - 1) your duties require you to be away from your tax home substantially longer than a work day 2) for a temporary assignment that is expected to last (and in fact does last) for less than one year. Why not?