Sunday, March 1, 2009

Meals Deductions: A Quick Overview.

June --

After 20+ years as an executive and employed consultant, I had an opportunity to go on my own last year as an independent. It was a successful year. I provide program management services in the technology implementation space.

I was on a temporary project assignment that has now concluded. I read the tips on your site on deductibility of meals using the IRS per diem meal allowance. As an independent and self-employed, if I use the per diem amount in lieu of actuals, is the per diem amount subject to the 50% limit. Example: per diem rate for 2008 Washington DC is $64. Do I use $64 or $32?

Please advise.

Thank you.
Bethel Park, PA

Jason --

Here's a quick overview.

Food and beverages offered to the general public are 100% deductible. That means if an artist has a gallery opening and invites the public or if an IT indie invites the community to his new office, then the food and drink is served at these events is a 100% deductible meals expense.

All other meals, whether calculated as actual amount paid or taken from the per diem table, are deducted at 50%.

If not traveling you may deduct meals only when you paid for yourself plus someone with whom you have a business connection and dined for a business reason.

When traveling you may deduct all meals and snacks for yourself; no business associate need be with you. Although all travel meals are deductible they, too, may be deducted at only 50%.

Hope that clears it up for you.

-- June

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